Meal Makeover

Too Often we buy groceries, come home to make a meal and the next day you are either back to the drawing board trying to figure out what to make for dinner; or if you have leftovers then you no longer have a taste for that particular dish. Well, I have a few tricks that will help you make two meals out of one.

Grocery List:

  • Spaghetti Noodles
  • Favorite Spaghetti Sauce
  • Ground Beef
  • Fresh mozzarella balls
  • Hoagie Rolls
  • Sliced Swiss Cheese
  • Romain Lettuce
  • Shredded Parmesan Cheese
  • Croutons
  • Caesar Salad
  • Kraft Parmesan Cheese
  • Russet Potatoes

Day 1: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Caesar Salad, and Dinner Rolls

Spaghetti and Meatballs


Ground Beef

Fresh mozzarella Balls

Salt, Pepper, Garlic Power

1 Egg

Spaghetti Noodles

Spaghetti Sauce


  • In a large bowl combine your ground beef, seasonings, and egg. Mix together well with your hand. Begin to make medium-sized meatballs with your meat mixture. Once you have all of your meatballs rolled. Make a little hole in the center, place two mozzarella balls in the center and close the whole with the meat.
  • Place each meatball on a sprayed cookie sheet about an inch apart and bake on 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until the meatballs are brown.
  • In a large pot begin to boil your noodles.
  • In a sauce pan pour your spaghetti sauce in and add the seasonings to the sauce, let is simmer on low while your noodles and meatballs finish cooking.
  • When meatballs are down let them rest for 3 minutes, then add them to your sauce.
  • Meanwhile add your dinner rolls to the oven to warm and mix your salad together.
  • Once everything is prepared plate your meal and serve.

Voila! You now have a terrific Spaghetti and Meatballs meal. Now your family should be raving about how wonderful the meal was and you should have leftover sauce and meatballs, so you are wondering what to do with them. Well I have the solution!

Day 2: Meatball Subs and Parmesan Potato Chips

Meatball Subs


Hoagie Rolls

Leftover Sauce & Meatballs

Sliced Swiss Cheese

Russet Potatoes (Sliced)

Kraft Parmesan Cheese

Canola Oil


  • In a large skillet, heat some canola oil for frying. Add your sliced potatoes and cook them until they are light brown on both sides and they begin to float on top.
  • Once the potatoes are done, immediately pat some of the oil off with a paper towel and then add a sprinkle of salt and Kraft Parmesan Cheese
  • While your potato chips are cooking, reheat your sauce and meatballs on the stove on a low heat to simmer.
  • Once your potato chips are done, take your hoagie rolls add some of the meatballs and sauce, and then add the slices of swiss cheese.

Plate your items, serve and enjoy this incredible meal with your family. I hope that you all find this little meal makeover to be easy and delicious. Be sure to come back and let us know how you enjoyed it. And remember you are always welcome to dine with the Danforth’s.

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